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Sunday, February 10, 2019

Week 3 - Part 2 - Five Business Examples of Social Media

Business: Team Bjorkman Real Estate
Their website is At the bottom of the webpage are the icons for Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. When I clicked the links, Facebook had a message, “sorry this content isn’t available right now”.  Instagram and Twitter are both up and running with frequent and recent real estate posts. The most recent Twitter post is from February 1stand the most recent Instagram post was from 1 day ago, Feb. 9th. Team Bjorkman Real Estate seems to have a great social media presence. Their consistent postings of photos and informational real estate videos and holiday greetings help to keep them and their business at the front of followers’ minds.

Business:RESULTS real estate group.
Their website is The social media links on their website are Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, as well as Yelp and Zillow. Each of these pages are regularly updated. The most recent Instagram post was 5 days ago, Facebook post was February 5th, Twitter was February 5th. RESULTS Real Estate Group has a very professional and consistent presence on social media.  I really like their photos, videos and other postings and would like to create a similar presence for my business.

Business: The Shelhamer Real Estate Group
Their website is The social media they are visibly using on their website are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Yelp, Zillow and YouTube.There are four informational YouTube videos from 2 years ago. Last Facebook post was from 2 years ago.   The last Twitter was 11 hours ago and the previous to that was March from 2018.

Business: Charles Dunn Real Estate Services. 
Their website is The social media links on their website are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. The last post on Facebook was October 24, 2018. Prior to that it looks as though the posts were consistently made about every 3-5 days.  This similar trend is found on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram, with the most recent Twitter post October 25th, the most recent LinkedIn post was  3 months ago, and a most recent post on Instagram was October 25th.  Charles Dunn is a large commercial real estate company and although all there postings are very professional and relevant to the services they offer, it does seem odd that all their social media pages have stopped updates.

Business: Keyes Real Estate
Their website is The social media there are links to on their website are Facebook, twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Vimeo. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram postings are 2-3 times week last post on both was Jan 30, 2018. Google + was the similar patter with the last update 2 weeks ago. On LinkedIn there is one post from 9 months ago. As with the other real estate businesses I researched, Keyes Real Estate is utilizing all the main social media outlets to get their business in front of people. They post relevant photos and information that attracts the interest of those on these platforms. So they will be at the top of mind when a connection needs the type of services they offer. 

First of all, I began my research by looking for some of the most successful real estate companies in Los Angeles county. In doing so, I found that every single one of them have professional and useful websites and all utilize multiple social media platforms.  I am going to return to these businesses’ websites and social media platforms over the course of the next few weeks and work on developing my business platforms to model after a few of these that I really liked. 

Five of the five businesses had links on their website to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.  From what I’ve heard, these three platforms are the most popular with the most users and greatest reach to many different target markets.  This is something I will do as well as I build up my professional social media platforms. It is very convenient for prospective clients to have access to all of these in one place.  It’s also a great way to showcase your businesses services and experience with current and past transactions and offerings.

Three of the businesses I researched also had links to their LinkedIn account. This is a great way to promote oneself as a professional and build credibility.  What I like about LinkedIn is it gives us a place to be specific about our skills, experience, accomplishments, and rewards.  I think this platform is a must for a real estate company.

Two of the businesses included links to Yelp and Zillow on their website. This is very helpful because many people who search online for an agent want to see reviews on those two platforms. One business had a link to their Google + and Vimeo.  I don’t know if many people are on Google+, but when I clicked on the Vimeo link there were some great videos that I think definitely added value to the viewer and a professional touch.  Come to think of it, although all these social media sites are an excellent way to stay in front of the market, I think when you do that by adding value to the viewer you leave a lasting impression.

I commented on the following three blog posts:
Mary Goulet
Carlyrose Raketich
Peyton Jansma


  1. Hi Michele,
    I enjoyed your research into these real estate business sites. I am a Realtor and it is typical that use social media in an inconsistent manner and post generic and random content about the real estate industry. Also, agents are not consistent with social media. I can't judge because I am horrible at it, hence, why I am taking this class.

  2. Hello Michele,
    I enjoyed reading your research. social media is not for everyone, it takes time not only to learn how to use it but also posting pictures, comments, and answering customers reviews. I think that to keep a business in good flow should be an employee in charge of social media, especially for big companies who wants to be on different social media platforms.
