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Friday, March 22, 2019

Week 8 - Post 2

Remax is one of the largest real estate companies. 
Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+,
Visual Media: YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest
Last Post: Today. Post Frequency: They post daily.
There are 73.3K followers and they follow only 29 Instagram accounts.  They have posted only 243 times. Many of their posts are photos and many get between 400 – 800 likes. Fewer get between 1,000-3,000 likes just about every post has less that 50 comments, but most are less than 30 comments. The hashtags they use are #REMAXHustle. #remaxcolonial #weareremax. #remaxagent #soldbyREMAX #homesearch #realtorlife #tinyhomes #realestate #forsale #Justlisted.

I also visited Keller Williams Realty. This is a very large company.
Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn
Visual Media: YouTube, Instagram
Last Post: Today. Post Frequency: They post at least once daily. Their Instagram account has 72K followers and they only follow 322 Instagram accounts.  They have 626 posts and each of their posts typically get about a thousand likes.  A simple “Happy New Year” image had over 5000 views.  It seems like the post that get the most views are gifs.  The hashtags they use are #KWFR19 #KWsBannerYear #KWGCR.

Shea Homes Socal is a medium size real estate company.  
Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
Visual Media: YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest
Last Post: today. Post Frequency: They post 2-3 days per week.
Their Instagram has 3,932 followers, they are following 1,819, and have 1,122 posts. The post with the most likes had 199 likes. I’d say the majority of likes fell between 74 –125. Most had 1-4 comments, however I did see one with 9. They use many hashtags including #SheaSoCal #SheaHomes #SheaHomesSoCal #LiveTheSheaDifference @SoCalHomes SoCalRealEstate #NewHomes #OrangeCounty #LoasAngeles #RealEstate #HomesForSale and many more!

For the last business I searched Realtor to see what some of the smaller real estate businesses are doing.  I found Brittany Eastwood, Inc., CEO. 
Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
Visual Media: YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest
Last Post: Yesterday. Post Frequency: They post 2-3 days per week.
Although this is a smaller business that I have not hear of, she has 11.1K followers, she is following 3200 and she’s made 273 posts. The majority of her post are getting between 500-1000 likes and many are getting 2,000 and up to over 5,000.  She posts about 3 times per week.  I’m sure it helps that she looks like a model. She posts many videos that get lots of likes. She uses the hashtag #BEASTwood, #sell #invest #network #realestate

All of these businesses are probably benefitting from their social media presence to some degree.  From the numbers mentioned, it looks as though Remax, although has the most followers, they have the smallest percentage of likes. Brittany Eastwood, Inc., who I thought would be a good example of a smaller business has the highest percentage of likes and the greatest overall engagement. She does a lot of videos of herself talking about the market, which I think is important for smaller businesses. I’m certain her appearance catches a lot of attention and gets viewers to stop and watch, which isn’t necessarily something just anyone can imitate.  All in all, as I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I think it’s important to go for fewer quality posts over a lot of less quality posts, stay consistent in frequency, and maintain an organized page.

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