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Thursday, January 31, 2019

Week 2: Part 2 - Blog Comments

I commented on the following blogs:

Week 2: Part 1 - Overview of Social Media

In my opinion, Facebook and Instagram seem to be the social media platforms geared towards personal use.  The reason I think this is because I personally have spent time on Facebook and just about everybody I know, except my parents, are on there. Even though I’m not on Instagram most everyone I talk to, especially younger adults, are. I’ve heard how easy Instagram is to use and that its primarily photos, which many people like to share. 

The nice thing about Instagram that is you can scroll through a lot of different posts quickly without stopping and spending so much time reading individual posts like on Facebook. I believe both Facebook and Instagram can also work well for business marketing because the majority of people are on at least one of these platforms. I definitely think there is an older demographic on Facebook as well as an overall larger number of people on Facebook.  The decision of whether to use one platform over another will be influenced by a business’s target market and also what type of business. 

Both these social media platforms are suitable for reaching a wide range of people on a much lower budget than traditional marketing. While Facebook can have full text, photos and videos I believe Instagram is mostly pictures, possibly videos, and little to no text. Depending on the business one has and how and what they plan to market, either Facebook or Instagram would be a great platform.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Week 1B - Blog Comments

I commented on the following blogs:

Week 1A - My Template

I spent a lot of time looking through the different blog templates and thought there were many great choices that I would have liked to use. Since this is my first blog and I haven’t spent much time reading blogs I didn’t really know what to look for. I also didn't know which format would have easy access to posts. 

After some time of searching and comparing the different formats, I chose the Picture Window for my blog theme.  I like that it represents a moment in time. There were three Picture Window choices available and I went with the picture of the road with the blue sky and the greenery.  I choose this because the road gives a sense of possibilities and represents the journey.  Right now, the journey is learning about social media for business and how to utilize it to its fullest! I also love the blue skies and greenery, which are also great color choices that I tend to lean towards.  

I discovered where I can experiment with different fonts and I changed the title font to Pacifico because its clean and simple with a SoCal feel. For my page text font, I am using Ubuntu because it’s simple and easy to read. Overall, I think it's okay, but it doesn't have that clean, crisp feel I am usually attracted to. I hope to make some modifications down the road!